With the increasing interest in shooting Infrared Photography, Sigma Corporation of America is pleased to announce that the SD14 digital SLR camera can easily be converted for IR imaging, and back again for normal photography. The dust protector in every Sigma digital SLR camera also acts as the IR cut-off filter. With the SD14 camera, it is a simple procedure for the user to remove the Dust Protector/IR cut-off, without tools. This enables the Foveon image sensor to capture images by IR and visible light. Various visible light cut-off filters can be attached to the camera lens, to filter out the visible light. The resulting images by IR light can be processed in Sigma Photo Pro software to yield Black and White IR images. Focusing and composition should be performed, before attaching the visible light cut-off filter to the lens. To resume photography by ordinary visible light, the filter can be removed from the lens, and the Dust Protector/ IR cut-off filter be carefully re-installed in the camera.
Several publications have posted informative articles, describing the use of the Sigma SD14 camera for IR photography. These include Popular Photography: http://www.popphoto.com/content/camera-hack-capture-invisible-light-your-sigma-sd14; Secrets of Home Theater and Hi Fi: http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_14_2/sigma-sd14-dslr-6-2007-part-1.html; and Shutterbug magazine: http://shutterbug.com/equipmentreviews/proquality_digital_slrs/0508sigma/