Summer is here, and that means family fun!
For most of us at Sigma Corporation of America, summer brings back memories of family vacations, picnics and beach outings, and like you, we have lots of images of those special family moments together that tell stories, bring out a smile, a laugh, or even a feeling of nostalgia.
As an extremely family-oriented organization, Sigma Corporation of America knows that memories captured by photographs are treasured forever and that moms are often behind the preserving of these memories through photographs. That’s why Sigma will soon be launching our first-ever “Momtographers’ Photo Contest,” starting June 29.
You may ask, what is a “Momtographer”? To us, she doesn’t have to be a professional photographer or own lots of high-tech camera gear, but just a mom who doubles as her family historian, and who loves capturing and saving images of her family’s happiest, funniest and most memorable moments together.
Whether the photo is taken this summer or ten years ago, we want to see your very best family images. We’re inviting parents to submit images in three different categories to compete for a grand prize of $2,500 in cash. Three other finalists will each receive a $500 credit toward Sigma equipment.
So be sure to check back to get official details and sign up for Sigma’s “Momtographers’ Photo Contest.” In the meantime, mark your calendar as photo submissions will be accepted from June 29, 2010, through Aug. 16, 2010.